Pawpals® is Used by Vets Nationwide
It is Much Easier to Use than Clay Paw Print Kits
Today veterinarians are playing a more significant role and having a more substantial impact on their clients;
Pawpals® captures these milestones in a truly unique and immediate way that will be treasured by clients for years
to come.
Take a Paw Print Impression in One Step!
With traditional clay paw print kits you must knead the clay, roll the clay into a ball, flatten the clay into a patty,
make the impression, and bake. That's why busy vets like to use Pawpals®. There is no kneading, mixing, baking or drying.
Just lift the case frame, press the paw into the mold material and you are done!
The Sentimental Value of Pet Paw Prints
As a veterinarian, there are many treasured ways your clients can come to appreciate the sentimental value of Pawpals®.
Veterinarians choose to use Pawpals® to observe:
- Pet Adoptions
- Birthdays
- Anniversaries
- First Vet Appointment
- Successful Surgery or Treatment
- Obedience Class Graduation
- Military Deployment Keepsakes
- End-of-Life
Veterinarians enjoy the simplicity of Pawpals® and have discovered the value in providing clients with the ability
to leave their hospital with this invaluable and timeless keepsake in hand as an everlasting tangible memory.
Watch our video
to see how easy it is to take a pet's paw print impression with a Pawpals® kit